Friday, February 12, 2010
Birthday Party - check
Birthday - check
Christmas - check
New Years - check
My Birthday - check
SNOW, SNOW, and more SNOW - check, check, check.
Looking back and adding pictures made all the fun memories flooding back. It is amazing how fast you can forget things. Thank goodness for pictures. I take plenty of them. I am in the process of getting my pictures organized and in date order and oh my, there is a lot. I am going to a scrapbooking retreat in March and can not wait. I looking forward to meeting other people that share the same love for scrapbooking and then obviously getting a lot of work done!! I am sure we will be doing some shopping also. Can't wait to share our experience!
Nothing else too much going on. The rest of my family is doing good. We had a little scare about a week ago with Dad he had abnormal blood work but everything has came back normal since then. Praise!!
Please continue to check back as I am hoping to blog a little more often. I am also hoping to add a few extras to my blog layout so stay tuned. Thanks for reading!!
ha, just realized this is my 100th post....woohoo! Here is to 100 more!!
Sunday Morning
My Birthday/Hair Cut

Mommy and her little monkey!!
Christmas Morning

Random Christmas Pictures/Santa

Of course he won't look at the camera....!

Birthday Boy

Isaac with all his Birthday presents. I think he needed a few more, oops!! Oh well, he has enjoyed playing with all of them. Notice the pig with piglets.....Isaac's great Grandma Bonen made that and gave it to cousin Troy some years ago and they gave it to Isaac to enjoy. It is so cute, the piglets snap on to the Momma to eat.
Just a little update on how big Isaac is. At his 2 year checkup he came in at 36 pounds and 37 3/4 inches tall. If you double that height he will approximatly be 6'3" full grown give or take a few. Oh my goodness he is definatly going to be a BIG BOY! He is currently wearing size 10 shoe and is fully in 3T clothes some 4T. He has made the transition to a twin size bed, no more baby bed. It was sadder for Mommy than him. He did very well, sleeps in it like a champ!! Has absolutly NO interest in potty training, I guess he will be ready some day...!!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Birthday Party
Really getting into opening presents. He is looking at the coolest book ever, it is a scanimation book called Waddle. When you move each page the picture goes into motion. Way cooler than how I am explaining it. Check it out here.
Actually caught Isaac blowing out his candle. I bet I couldn't do that again!! More pictures to come from his actual birthday, Christmas, and other fun happenings in our 'lil family.