Thursday, October 29, 2009
Stellan is VERY sick and is in need of lots of prayers. Please include Stellan and all the sick children in your prayers. If you feel led, please click on Stellan's button and read his story. It is quit lengthy but well worth the time it takes to read it. Good Bless Everyone.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Nowlins Corn Maze
Last Sunday the weather was beautiful so we decided to make our trip to Nowlin's Corn Maze. The maze was a lot of fun. We pushed Isaac and Molly in strollers and Abby walked and picked up fallen corn!! Kim and I were tired after finally reaching the exit. There was plenty of room to push the strollers but it was kind of a challenge too!!! I took the opportunity to get some pictures and I think I went a little over board. All the kids had their "Halloween" outfits on but before we left home Molly decided to get into the Vaseline and lets just say, she had it ALL over her. She had to have an outfit change so she didn't match but still cute anyway. Isaac's shirt says "Mummy says I'm sweeter than this candy". Can't read it in any of the pictures, but thanks to Mema we think it is pretty cute!!

Something else much more interesting than Mommy/Auntie to look at apparently!

Of course everyone looking except Isaac decides to show me his gourd that he found...!

Sit down Isaac, please!!! He had other thoughts.

Something else much more interesting. I think they could hear the other kids going through the maze. We were right beside it.

Isaac is such a lover. He loves to give kisses....

Again, one wasn't enough!

Isaac was scared of the scarecrow. Kim was trying to get him up there but he had many different thoughts. Lay on the ground and cry, just didn't capture it on a picture.

Aww, sisters....too sweet!

Pretty Abby, so hard to believe that she is already 5. Where does the time go?

Well, Isaac finally decided it was okay but he wasn't getting any closer.

Enjoying the hay pile. It was a lot of fun. Isaac climbed on top of the big bales and then slid into the pile. He loved it, something he could do all by himself! Made his very proud!

Molly thought she was WAY to girlie to get that dirty. She liked it on top where she was safe and clean! She did finally slide down and liked it ALOT!

We hope that everyone has a wonderful fall and safe Halloween. It is kind of hard to believe that this time of year is already upon us. Before I know it, it will be Isaac's 2nd Birthday and then Christmas........!
Papa visited the pumpkin patch and brought me some......!!!
...............PUMPKINS. Thanks so much to Bob Gerling we got Pumpkins. Isaac was so excited he couldn't hardly deal with himself. We got to pick out as many as we wanted...what fun!
Enjoying the Beaters
I had to make a chocolate cake for work the other night and guess what, someone wanted to help. Here came the chair and "i help, i help". He helped pour in the ingredients, thought he was pretty big stuff. I let him have the beaters when we were done and he thought they were pretty yummy!!
Park Fun
While I was on vacation Kim and I decided to take the kids to the park in Arrow Rock one morning. The kids had a blast and I did too taking pictures.

Hilarious!! (Isaac)

When it was time to go, the kids decided to run away. So they take off running through the big grass area (if you have been to Arrow Rock park you know what I am talking about). Thank god for zoom because they were much farther out! I finally had to put the camera down and chase after the little stinkers because they weren't coming back on their own.

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