Wow, where did the summer go? Not for sure either. We had an awesome summer and did lots of fun stuff! Made our annual weekend trip to the lake which is always a nice time to get away. Mom had both her knees replaced 7 weeks apart. That was interesting. Things got pretty busy during that time. We had over 75 tomato plants out and about 25 pepper plants. Needless to say they produced and produced and produced. We put up enough tomatoes to feed an army it felt like. We will sure enjoy it all this winter though!! We are so glad Mom made the decision to have it done and hope to have her back in full swing next year! She is doing wonderful:) We went to the Pilot Grove Rodeo, St Louis Zoo, Grants Farm, and State Fair. Isaac had a great time at all events. We can't wait to make many more memories!!
Abby back to school, 1st grade to be exact. Wow, hard to believe my 1st niece is already in 1st grade. Time sure does fly by when you're having fun! She is doing great and loves it. Isaac asks every night when we get home if he can do his homework. Ha, he will soon realize that isn't so much fun!! Harvest is in full swing and some are about to finish up. Isaac got his 1st ride in the combine and loved it! He loves being on the farm. He wasn't home when they combined the corn and beans at the house so he missed out on them:( Oh well, he isn't quit old enough to understand that he missed out. Next year may be a whole different story! Enjoy the pictures as I try to play catch up! I had no intentions of banning my blog but the busy summer took over.

Did I mention we got A LOT of rain this spring??

Isaac, Abby and Uncle Chad. Lake Ozark, 2010

Isaac didn't want anything to do with the swimming pool. He opted Mema's lap!!

Taking a nap after NOT going swimming.


Isaac loves his dog! They are best friends:)

St. Louis Zoo, 2010

St. Louis Zoo, 2010

Posing for a picture. St. Louis Zoo, 2010

St Louis Zoo,, 2010

Riding the tram at Grants Farm, 2010

Feeding the goats. Grants Farm, 2010

Having a blast. Grants Farm, 2010

Talking to Oto, Mo State Fair, 2010

Isaac, Molly, Abby. Mo State Fair, 2010

Abby, Molly, and Isaac MO State Fair, 2010

Exhausted after a long day at the fair. Waiting for the pig races to start about to fall asleep!

Zonked out!!!!!

Yeah, HARVEST time!! Full load waiting on the semi!

Full load!!